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While the cats away, the tribe will still play

Public·47 members

Barny O'Neill
This badge is for those who have completed the Primal X workout of the week.

Primal X

You are a Bad ass! you completed the 99 Days Primal Warrior AGOGE99


Welcome to our group While the cats away, the tribe will still play !

This group is for you to communicate with others if you’re planning on training at the parks, to organise meeting up.

25th-30th May

Barny O'Neill
Barny O'Neill
May 22, 2024

If anybody wants to train while I’m away I have created a group (Cats away) on here so you can communicate with each other if you are planning on training at the parks. Use this group to connect with each other and organise meetings. Whoever manages the most sessions will get a badge, so comment if you’re going and post group pictures in the group, so I can see who attended. The challenge starts Saturday 12th May. Good luck and happy training.

I have opened up the Primal X online program for ideas on workouts too.

Have fun and see you soon.


If anybody wants to train while I’m away I have created a gr...


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